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DosbarthJJ's Shop

Providing a range of material suitable for use in primary schools, across a range of subject areas.




Providing a range of material suitable for use in primary schools, across a range of subject areas.
Swansea Tidal Lagoon

Swansea Tidal Lagoon

A lesson based on the Swansea Tidal Lagoon. Session explores the pros and cons of building a tidal lagoon in Swansea, South Wales. Use news reports to support the task. Various resources to support group discussion, culminating in a whole class discussion where children need to decide upon whether they think the tidal lagoon is a good idea or not.
Solar System

Solar System

A collection of resources to support the teaching of the solar system. Resource include: 1) vocabulary related to the solar system, which children need to research and find definitions. 2) A template for a ‘Wikipedia’ style entry about a famous astronaut. 3) Questions for children to explore about stars. 4) Planets of the solar system worksheets which includes task for children to come up with their own mnemonic. All .doc or .ppt formats so can easily be adapted.
Sentence Starters

Sentence Starters

A display to encourage children to use interesting sentence starters when writing. ISPACED - I (ing ending words), S (simile), P (preposition), A (adverb), C (connective), E (ed ending words), D (dialogue). Includes ISPACED title, headings for each of the letters and an example sentence for each technique.
Story - Ghost Theme

Story - Ghost Theme

A PowerPoint with accompanying good & bad examples of ghost story introductions, focusing on development of description and speech punctuation skills.
Clauses & Subordinate Clauses

Clauses & Subordinate Clauses

A lesson plan, PowerPoint and differentiated activities to support the teaching of clauses and the extension of simple sentences. Includes a detailed PowerPoint to teach clauses which includes a number of activities for children to complete on whiteboards throughout the session. Varied tasks differentiated by ability to apply the skills taught.